Duane Gee CFP, RRC
Duane was born and raised in the Comox Valley with an upbringing to care about people and community. With two earlier careers in the grocery business and forestry, he found his calling after receiving honours marks from The Canadian Securities Institute in 1994. Duane started with IG in January 1995 with a goal to help others achieve financial freedom. He immediately enrolled in the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP) program and obtained his designation in 1998. As a CFP professional, he meets the Financial Planning Standards Council’s (FPSC) rigorous pre- and post-certification standards in education, experience, examination, and ethics, while adhering to the highest internationally recognized standards of competence and ethical practice as set out by the FPSC.
Starting at a young age, Duane has always been actively involved with community organizations such as 4H, NVIHA, Kiwanis and most recently RCMSAR in the Comox Valley.